Application for UNESCO International Literacy Prizes
Categorized: Front Page, Library Tagged: International Literacy Prizes, UNESCO
Categorized: Front Page, Library Tagged: International Literacy Prizes, UNESCO
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Categorized: Front Page, Students Tagged: School leavers
Our school leavers said goodbye in community centre of Jai Bhim Network on Monday on 15 June 2009. In the name of the school leavers Horváth Attila said goodbye with the poem of Lázi Károlyné. Lázi Mónika wished a good carreer in the name of students’. Derdák Tibor and Orsós János expressed their best wishes from behalf of Dr. Ambedkar School. After our young talents gave a foretaste of their repertoire that they had played on Athe Sam. That was a hige Gipsy Festival in Budapest last week where our musicians were invited and had a great success.
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Categorized: Front Page, History Tagged: Gandhi High School, Strike
Get the Flash Player to see this player. Students were on strike in Pécs for their principale in Gandhi High School. It was founded for the talented Gypsy young. The advisory have replaced her after 10 years, and they appointed a new principale. Neither teachers and nor students supported this exchange.
4 of 68 employees cost their votes for the new principale.
The teachers and both the parents and students’ association backed up the formal principale with a great majority.
One of students remarked that despite the majority’s opinhion the unwanted candidate won after all.
Video Source: Tények
Categorized: Front Page, Students
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