Dr. Ambedkar School

Memorandum of Understanding Between Amnesty International Hungary and Dr. Ámbédkár Iskola and The Human Rights Education Team of Amnesty International, International Secretariat for The Human Rights Friendly Schools Project

2011.08.30. Categorized: Front Page, History, Media Player      Tagged:

25 August 2011

Memorandum of Understanding Between Amnesty International Hungary and Dr. Ámbédkár Iskola and The Human Rights Education Team of Amnesty International, International Secretariat for The Human Rights Friendly Schools Project

This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) establishes partnership between Amnesty International Hungary (the Section), Dr. Ámbédkár Iskola (the School), and the Human Rights Education Team of Amnesty International, International Secretariat (the International Secretariat) for the purpose of implementing the Human Rights Friendly Schools Project.


The Human Rights Friendly Schools Project is implemented through partnerships between the Amnesty International Secretariat Human Rights Education Team, Amnesty International sections and structures, and secondary schools around the world.

The project aims to promote a culture of human rights through the empowerment of young people and the active participation of all members of the school community in integrating human rights values and principles into all four key areas of school life: school participation and governance, relations between members of the school community, school curriculum, and extra-curricular domain and school environment.

Together, the parties enter into this MOU to mutually promote the inclusion and practice of human rights in the formal education system as outlined in the World Program for Human Rights Education.

Accordingly, the International Secretariat, the Section, and the School operating under this MOU agree as follows:


The Human Rights Friendly Schools Project responds to a clear cultural and educational need in virtually every part of the world - namely, to create a global culture of human rights. The schools will demonstrate in microcosm that such a culture is achievable.  The initiative is Amnesty International’s first global project which uses a whole-school approach to integrating human rights into schools.

The Amnesty International Human Rights Education Team at the International Secretariat will provide the international link, Amnesty International sections and structures will provide the most immediate support to schools, and schools will articulate and implement annual action plans for each year of the project, some building on experience from action plans developed and implemented in the Pilot Phase.

Each school’s annual plan will describe how the school will make achievable and measurable progress towards integrating human rights into four key areas of school life: school participation and governance, relations between members of the school community, school curriculum, and extra-curricular domain and school environment.  As project partners, the International Secretariat Human Rights Education Team and Amnesty International sections and structures will support the schools in creating school environments that are Human Rights Friendly, rights-respecting that is made up of school communities who are knowledgeable about and dedicated to the promotion of human rights.  These school communities will work to promote a healthy environment for developing a generation of young people who have not only the knowledge but also the values, skills and experience to be effective activists on human rights issues.

1. Objectives

-       To foster and support the integration of human rights into four key areas of school life: school participation and governance, relations between members of the school community, school curriculum, and extra-curricular domain and school environment

-       To encourage participation of young people and the wider school community in school policy development and activities which are consistent with and promote human rights values and principles

-       To enable and empower young people to take action and create positive human rights changes in their school, as well as the wider community

-       To train teachers and young people in order to support the development of school communities where human rights are respected, promoted and protected

-       To promote peer education as a tool contributing to developing the culture of human rights in schools

-       To develop educational tools for training young people and teachers on the issues relevant for the project

-       To strengthen the international network of Human Rights Friendly Schools through sharing resources, practices, knowledge and expertise

-       To contribute to the implementation of the Demand Dignity Campaign by engaging young people via educational tools developed by the Education for Human Dignity project

Each party to this MOU is responsible for its own expenses related to developing and implementing the project under this MOU. Unless funds are secured externally, there will not be an exchange of funds between the parties for tasks associated with this MOU during its term.


Each party will appoint a person to serve as the official contact and coordinate the activities of each organization in carrying out this MOU. The initial appointees of each organization are:

The School:

Name: Döme, Zsuzsanna

Position: pedagógiai vezető

School: Dr. Ámbédár Iskola

Address: Sajókaza,3720, Ady Endre u. 2.

Telephone:  +36-30-4705151

Telephone/Facsimile:(06) 48-349-209 , (06) 48-788-275

Email: suuziuuzi@gmail.com

The Section:

Name: dr. Liska, Márton

Position: emberi jogi képzés koordinátor

Section: AI Hungary

Address: 1064 Budapest Rózsa u. 44. Hungary

Telephone:  +36 1 321 4799

Facsimile:   + 36 1 321 4799

Email: oktatas@amnesty.hu

The International Secretariat:

Sneh Aurora

International Human Rights Education Project Manager

Amnesty International - International Secretariat

Peter Benenson House, 1 Easton Street

London WC1X 0DW

Tel: +44-20-74135860

Fax: +44-20-79561157

Email: Sneh.Aurora@amnesty.org

The parties above agree to the following responsibilities and tasks for this MOU.

The International Secretariat will be responsible for:

  • overall management and operations of the project
  • coordination of the project at the international level
  • co-review of school annual action plans
  • facilitation of the exchange of materials, information and resources at the international level
  • coordination and support for overall monitoring and evaluation of the project in-country and at the international level
  • coordination of the review and development of frameworks and guidelines based on the experience of sections/structures and schools through the project evaluation
  • development and coordination of a communications strategy, including the development of uniform messaging and guidelines for publicity, as well as dissemination of information about the overall project
  • oversight and coordination of documentation of the project
  • facilitation of communication between participating schools and sections through the maintenance and development of the Human Rights Friendly Schools Network website and moderate discussions and distribute news via the Human Rights Friendly Schools newsletter
  • facilitation of the input of the Advisory Group of experts on the whole-school approach

The Section will be responsible for:

  • assisting with the establishment of management structures to implement the project
  • supporting the School in articulating and implementing their annual action plans, including the following:
    • provision of expertise in human rights and human rights education
    • provision of materials as needed
    • provision of a “menu” of various Amnesty International campaigns, activities and programs in which the School can participate or which can be integrated into areas of school life (for example, Education for Human Dignity, Demand Dignity campaign, Urgent Actions, Amnesty International School Group, etc.)
    • provision and/or facilitation of training of teachers, ideally both through existing section/structure training programs and through project-specific training
    • facilitation of and participation in monitoring and evaluation, through coordinating with the School the delivery of monitoring reports as required and providing logistical support for school visits by project representatives
    • participation in project activities as required, such as meetings at the international level
    • facilitation of and participation in documentation of activities, including preparation and submission to the International Secretariat of reporting as required
    • consultation on and implementation of communications and publicity strategy and activities with the School and the International Secretariat
  • contribution to the development of principles, standards and guides relating to this project
  • communication with International Secretariat on developments in the project
  • participating in and supporting the school to participate in the Human Rights Friendly Schools Network through the website
  • any additional responsibilities detailed in the Annex and as agreed from time to time between sections and the International Secretariat

The School will be responsible for:

  • establishing management structures for the implementation of the project
  • articulation and implementation of annual action plans in order to make measurable progress in four major areas of school life: school participation and governance, relations between members of the school community, school curriculum, and extra-curricular domain and school environment
  • monitoring the implementation of the project, including submitting monitoring reports as required alongside their partner Amnesty International section to the International Secretariat.
  • facilitation and participation in evaluation and documentation activities, including any visits to the school carried out by a project representative for purposes of evaluation and documentation
  • consultation on and implementation of communications and publicity strategy and activities with their partner Amnesty International section and the International Secretariat
  • participation in project activities, as required, such as meetings at the international level
  • participation in common project efforts between schools and in activities relating to the international community of human rights schools
  • participation in the Human Rights Friendly Schools Network through the website
  • any additional responsibilities detailed in the Annex and as agreed from time to time between sections and the International Secretariat


The term of this MOU is for the period from 31st August 2011 to 31st August 2014. During the project term and at the expiration of this period, the International Secretariat will, in consultation with other parties, evaluate the progress of the project and will decide whether to extend the period. Such extension will be by mutual consent.

The International Secretariat may terminate this MOU at any time if, in its opinion, the continuation of the agreement and the relationships therein are likely to compromise the Human Rights Friendly Schools project, or are likely to compromise the reputation of Amnesty International.


The signing of this MOU is not a formal undertaking. It implies that the signatories will strive to reach, to the best of their ability, the objectives stated herein.

On behalf of the organisation I represent, I wish to sign this MOU and contribute to the further development of the project.

On behalf of the Section:

Name: Jeney, Orsolya

Position: interim director

Date: 25. August 2011.

On behalf of the School:

Name: Derdák, Tibor

Position: Director

Date:    August 2011.

On behalf of the International Secretariat:

Name:  Colm O’Cuanachain

Position:  Senior Director, Campaigns

Date: _______________________________


This Annex can be used by the Section and the School to specify any additional responsibilities they are willing to undertake.

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201035 (You will need this identifying number if you would like to look up our High School on different pages of the Ministry of Education.)

Our School 1st Part

Our School (1st Part)
Our school is named after Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (April 14, 1891-December 6, 1956) an Indian jurist, scholar and political leader. Born into a poor, dalit (untouchable) family and subjected to intense socio-economic discrimination, Ambedkar spent his life fighting against the Indian caste system and the idea of untouchability. We see his message being relevant for gypsies in our country today.

Our School 2nd Part

Our School (2nd Part)
Our school is serving in a region of northern Hungary where the proportion of high school graduates having matriculation examination is under 1%. At the gypsy settlements of Sajokaza, Lak, Alsovadasz, Homrogd there are thousands of people without the chance of secondary education. We believe, that the application of proper pedagogy will result in the elevation of above mentioned ratio similar to any other group of today's society, and our students so become competitive participants of the labour market.

Our School 3rd Part

Our School (3rd Part)
Our school offers person centered pedagogy, informatics, English language and sciences. By activating dormant energies of unused manpower we bring high grade secondary education to the poorest communities of our homeland.

Our School 4th Part

Our School (4th Part)
The objective of our school is to show the way out of poverty and make environmental stimuli enjoyable for everybody. We knowingly have encouraged our children to make friends with students of other schools years before founding the school. Our task is to transmit the essence of better life standards of more prosperous social strata to our students and their families. It is especially important in health issues, for we do not study to die early as the poor of the villages.

Our School 5th Part

Our School (5th Part)
Even though the school is situated in segregated environment, our efforts are to integrate. The goal is to bring high standard education to a totally unprovided area. The want should be satisfied. The effects of this service then attract non-Romany inhabitants, and lead to building valuable relationships around the segregated community. We believe in the possibility of dark spots on the map today to become bright stars tomorrow.

Our School 6th Part

Our School (6th Part)
We emphasize the values of Romany lifestyle. Even though the life is changing in Alsovadasz, Sajokaza, Lak, Homrogd and the other villages, people are going to have large families with lots of cousins, uncles and aunts for a few more decades. However nice and precious it is, the public opinion of the rest of the county might be different. One of the pedagogic tasks of the school is to provide students with well based confidence to commit to their own chosen lifestyle.

Our School 7th Part

Our School (7th Part)
The aim that our students want to achieve is high school graduation. Trade is offered only to those who want it along with graduation. Even for people fell out of primary education but wanting to learn we make understand that the goal is not just completing primary school but to change their social stand.

All of the Parts in One

Our School

  • Professor Shanker Dutt: Congratulations on the good work you are doing. The English language is an instrument of empowerment and liberation to access knowledge and technology
  • Hemant aka Nirvan Shinde: Dear Friends of Dr. Ambedkar School, I am highly pleased to congratulate you, for this historic step against segregation. you the Children of Dr. Amb
  • Pardeep S Attri: This is really great to hear all this activities going on!
  • Dhammadeep: jai bhim dear asok, you are really doing a great job i wish u all the very best
  • DHAMMADEEP DEOGADE: Dear Asok, Jai Bhim… UR Doing Great Work.. ..I’ve Photograph Collaction of Dr.Ambedker. It’s a  Orkut Link..do Get it…  http://www.orkut.c

Table of contents


    Headmaster: Tibor Derdak

    H-3720 Sajókaza, Rákóczi F. u. 29.

    H-3532 Miskolc, Tátra utca 2.

    Further field of activity places:
    H-3600 Ózd, Petőfi út 18-20.
    H-3659 Sáta, Kolozsvári út 5.

    (+36) 48-788-700

    International Bank Account Number:
    IBAN HU59 1203 7805 0033 7608 0010 0002
    SWIFT Code: UBRTHUHB (Raiffeisen Bank)


Right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. (Buddha)

Illustrious Day

We wish a Happy Nameday to all visitors called Ádám!

Memorial Schedule

24 September: Pune Pact between Gandhi and Dr. Ambedkar in 1932

14 October: Conversion in Nagpur of Dr. Ambedkar and his Dalit followers in 1956: “Dhammadiksha” or “Dhamma Chakra Pravartan Din”

28 November: The Day of Orientalists (Körösi Csoma Sándor started his mysterious Eastern journey in 1819.)

5 November - 14 December: The Lőrinc family in Sajógalgóc gave shelter to four Jewish youngsters who had escaped labour camp.

19 January: Martin Luther King Day

11 February: The Day of Freedom in Religion: In 1676 the dutch admiral Michael de Ruyter freed the Hungarian galley slave praechers: e.g. Túróczi Végh András from Fülek, Kálnai Péter from Putnok, Szalóczi Mihály from Zubogy

14 April: Birthday of Dr. Ambedkar

2 May: Birthday of the Buddha

2 August: The Day of Gypsies’ Holocaust in 1944

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