Application for UNESCO International Literacy Prizes
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Categorized: Front Page, Library Tagged: International Literacy Prizes, UNESCO
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On December 1st, 2008, we will have a special guest, the Reverend Victor István, a Hungarian, Presbyterian priest. Reverend István spent his childhood in a Christian community where many Jewish people had to be rescued from Fascist persecution, in 1944.
The father of our guest, Victor János, made great efforts in 1944 – with members of his Liberty Square Temple – to rescue Jews and other persecuted people in Budapest. Before their rescue, many of these Jews resorted to hiding within the church; inside mattresses, under the church’s flooring; where ever there was safety. At times, this meant receiving false papers stating that they were not Jewish, but in fact Christian. Victor János was fully aware that he was risking the very lives of his own family…nevertheless, he perservered. Liberty Square Temple deserves its beautiful name: “Freedom,” “Place,” “Temple” – a holy space, where we can be proud of our liberty.
The Yad Vashem Institute, in Jerusalem awarded Victor János the Righteous of the World Award, in 1994.
It is a pity that nowdays the Liberty Square Temple gives shelter to ideas not in line with its original model.
Categorized: Front Page, Library Tagged: Alfa-College, Groningen, Jan Pieter Struiving
We hebben jullie school enkele malen bezocht nadat Zoltán Ulicska van Sulinova ons gezegd had dat jullie vast wel contact wilden met andere scholen omdat jullie in moeilijke omstandigheden onderwijs verzorgen. Die moeilijke omstandigheden zijn een eufemise. De stap die de zigeunergemeenschap moet zetten is gigantisch groot en de situatie is niet eenvoudig te veranderen. Zigeuners hebben het nergens gemakkelijk maar in het voormalige Oost-blok is sinds de val van de Muur de achterstand groter geworden in plaats van kleiner.
Categorized: Front Page, Library Tagged: Calendar
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