Dr. Ambedkar School

Teachers Needed to Teach Hungarian Roma Students

2018.06.15. Categorized: Front Page   

Dr. Ámbédkar High School is seeking qualified entry-level or experienced teachers to fill available positions teaching Hungarian Roma students. University students finishing teacher preparation degrees are also encouraged to apply. We are looking for teachers who have a passion for teaching and put the student’s learning experience first. Teachers who do not speak Hungarian are welcome to apply. There are immediate openings in the following areas and positions:

Biology – full-time / part-time
Chemistry – full-time / part-time
English language – full-time / part-time
French language – full-time / part-time
Geography – full-time / part-time
History – full-time / part-time
Hungarian grammar and literature – full-time / part-time
Mathematics – full-time / part-time
Music – full-time / part-time
Physical education – full-time / part-time
Physics – full-time / part-time

Dependent on qualifications and Hungarian pedagogue salary categories.

• University degree in any field
• English language knowledge preferred
• Be responsible for developing lesson plans in close coordination with the school directors
• Be willing to collaborate with teachers from other subject areas to develop the yearly curriculum
• Have an ability to adapt to teaching styles and working with students from an ethnic minority background with a variety of needs

Specific working hours are negotiable, but full-time teachers usually work 40 hours per week. Of those 40 hours, 26 are teaching hours. Commuting from outside of Miskolc is possible, but we expect teachers who live outside of Miskolc to work at least three days per week. Our school typically has small class sizes with usually 6 to 30 students, aged 15 to 20 years old in each class. Teachers may be asked to occasionally organize and chaperone students on field trips; some trips may take place on weekends and last for a few days.

• Paid daily transportation to and from school
• If needed, teachers who commute to and from Miskolc may stay at the dorm
• With us, teachers have many opportunities to grow their professional networks and develop their teaching methods

Our school works closely with the following partners: Amnesty International, Central European University, Corvinus University, University of Miskolc, and PREZI.

Passion and enthusiasm is a must!

To apply for the position, please send a detailed CV (in English or in Hungarian) to the following e-mail address as soon as possible: ntyeklar@gmail.com. If you have any questions related to the job posting, please call +36 30 517 6038 or send us an e-mail.

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201035 (You will need this identifying number if you would like to look up our High School on different pages of the Ministry of Education.)

Our School 1st Part

Our School (1st Part)
Our school is named after Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (April 14, 1891-December 6, 1956) an Indian jurist, scholar and political leader. Born into a poor, dalit (untouchable) family and subjected to intense socio-economic discrimination, Ambedkar spent his life fighting against the Indian caste system and the idea of untouchability. We see his message being relevant for gypsies in our country today.

Our School 2nd Part

Our School (2nd Part)
Our school is serving in a region of northern Hungary where the proportion of high school graduates having matriculation examination is under 1%. At the gypsy settlements of Sajokaza, Lak, Alsovadasz, Homrogd there are thousands of people without the chance of secondary education. We believe, that the application of proper pedagogy will result in the elevation of above mentioned ratio similar to any other group of today's society, and our students so become competitive participants of the labour market.

Our School 3rd Part

Our School (3rd Part)
Our school offers person centered pedagogy, informatics, English language and sciences. By activating dormant energies of unused manpower we bring high grade secondary education to the poorest communities of our homeland.

Our School 4th Part

Our School (4th Part)
The objective of our school is to show the way out of poverty and make environmental stimuli enjoyable for everybody. We knowingly have encouraged our children to make friends with students of other schools years before founding the school. Our task is to transmit the essence of better life standards of more prosperous social strata to our students and their families. It is especially important in health issues, for we do not study to die early as the poor of the villages.

Our School 5th Part

Our School (5th Part)
Even though the school is situated in segregated environment, our efforts are to integrate. The goal is to bring high standard education to a totally unprovided area. The want should be satisfied. The effects of this service then attract non-Romany inhabitants, and lead to building valuable relationships around the segregated community. We believe in the possibility of dark spots on the map today to become bright stars tomorrow.

Our School 6th Part

Our School (6th Part)
We emphasize the values of Romany lifestyle. Even though the life is changing in Alsovadasz, Sajokaza, Lak, Homrogd and the other villages, people are going to have large families with lots of cousins, uncles and aunts for a few more decades. However nice and precious it is, the public opinion of the rest of the county might be different. One of the pedagogic tasks of the school is to provide students with well based confidence to commit to their own chosen lifestyle.

Our School 7th Part

Our School (7th Part)
The aim that our students want to achieve is high school graduation. Trade is offered only to those who want it along with graduation. Even for people fell out of primary education but wanting to learn we make understand that the goal is not just completing primary school but to change their social stand.

All of the Parts in One

Our School

  • Professor Shanker Dutt: Congratulations on the good work you are doing. The English language is an instrument of empowerment and liberation to access knowledge and technology
  • Hemant aka Nirvan Shinde: Dear Friends of Dr. Ambedkar School, I am highly pleased to congratulate you, for this historic step against segregation. you the Children of Dr. Amb
  • Pardeep S Attri: This is really great to hear all this activities going on!
  • Dhammadeep: jai bhim dear asok, you are really doing a great job i wish u all the very best
  • DHAMMADEEP DEOGADE: Dear Asok, Jai Bhim… UR Doing Great Work.. ..I’ve Photograph Collaction of Dr.Ambedker. It’s a  Orkut Link..do Get it…  http://www.orkut.c

Table of contents


    Headmaster: Tibor Derdak

    H-3720 Sajókaza, Rákóczi F. u. 29.

    H-3532 Miskolc, Tátra utca 2.

    Further field of activity places:
    H-3600 Ózd, Petőfi út 18-20.
    H-3659 Sáta, Kolozsvári út 5.

    (+36) 48-788-700

    International Bank Account Number:
    IBAN HU59 1203 7805 0033 7608 0010 0002
    SWIFT Code: UBRTHUHB (Raiffeisen Bank)


Right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. (Buddha)

Illustrious Day

We wish a Happy Nameday to all visitors called Zsuzsanna!

Memorial Schedule

24 September: Pune Pact between Gandhi and Dr. Ambedkar in 1932

14 October: Conversion in Nagpur of Dr. Ambedkar and his Dalit followers in 1956: “Dhammadiksha” or “Dhamma Chakra Pravartan Din”

28 November: The Day of Orientalists (Körösi Csoma Sándor started his mysterious Eastern journey in 1819.)

5 November - 14 December: The Lőrinc family in Sajógalgóc gave shelter to four Jewish youngsters who had escaped labour camp.

19 January: Martin Luther King Day

11 February: The Day of Freedom in Religion: In 1676 the dutch admiral Michael de Ruyter freed the Hungarian galley slave praechers: e.g. Túróczi Végh András from Fülek, Kálnai Péter from Putnok, Szalóczi Mihály from Zubogy

14 April: Birthday of Dr. Ambedkar

2 May: Birthday of the Buddha

2 August: The Day of Gypsies’ Holocaust in 1944

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