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Dr. Ambedkar School was established in 2007 in Sajókaza with the help and support of the Jai Bhim Community. The aim of the school is to open up the possibility of further education in communities where the proportion of graduates does not reach 1%.
With the help of the Open Society Foundations and the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta, the school building, designed by architect Margit Pelényi, opened its doors in Sajókaza, In the past 13 years at our school, 113 adults have completed their primary school education. As well, 114 people have taken their graduating exam in a given subject.
In 2016, the school was able to relocate to a new building in Miskolc with the support of the Badur Foundation. The Vice President of the Republic of India Hamid Ansari and his wife Salma Ansari supported the expansion of the school building.
In 2018, funding from the Hungarian Government made possible the establishment of the Martin Luther King Dormitory, which closely assists the work of the school. During the dorm’s inauguration ceremony, Félix Farkas, the Parliamentary Roma Nationalist Spokesman, cut the ribbon.
The public education contract of the Dr. Ámbédkar School expired on August 31, 2020. The Ministry of Human Resources will not renew the contract and will not enter into a new one with the school administration. At the same time, the Ministry reduced the operational support of other educational institutions working for the benefit of students from disadvantaged backgrounds, including the János Wesley School and the Igazgyöngy School of Art in Berettyóújfalu. In total, 30 million forints (approximately 84,000 Euros) will be missing from the coming school year.
Account owner:
Dzsaj Bhím Triratna Buddhista Közösség (the school administrative organization)
7623 Pécs, Szabadság út 19-21.
Name of the financial institution:
Raiffeisen Bank Zrt.
Account number:
International Bank Account Number (IBAN):
HU52 1200 1008 0015 6776 0010 0009
The Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) took steps to fund the school a year ago by transforming the Dr. Ámbédkar School into a technical school, so that our students can learn a trade in addition to preparing for their graduating exams. To this end, the institution received state-of-the-art furniture, a computer server, and developer equipment from ITM as well as support from the Idetartozunk Egyesület (We Belong Here Association) and the Roma Education Fund. The transformation into a technical school has also begun to take place, but due to a change in legislation, our school will only be able to fall under the direction of the ITM starting in 2021. As a result, the school is ineligible to receive government financial support for its vocational orientation grade. Based on this, the institution falls short approximately 18 million forint (approximately 50,000 Euros) needed for the school year.
Over the years, our school has developed a scholarship system with the Roma communities with whom we work, called Manumissio, built on the private donations of many individuals. The Manumissio website can be found at the following link:
Name of the financial institution:
Magnet Magyar Közösségi Bank Zrt.
Account owner:
Dr. Ambedkar Youth Association,
3532 Miskolc, Tátra utca 2.
3720 Sajókaza, Sólyom telep 7-9.
Account number:
International Bank Account Number (IBAN):
HU56 1620 0106 1161 6685 0000 0000
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